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What if We Try Not Prioritising Cars for a Change? The Mosta Pedestrianisation Dilemma

What if We Try Not Prioritising Cars for a Change? The Mosta Pedestrianisation Dilemma

Mosta’s main square is once again sparking significant controversy. However, this time, it’s the pedestrianisation aspect of the project that is under the spotlight. Only a few weeks after the project’s inauguration, the newly elected mayor wants to reverse the pedestrianisation of the square. Rightfully so, one may think that the square has been pedestrianised throughout the week. However, for...

Stabbilta – The inflation control scheme analysed

Stabbilta – The inflation control scheme analysed

The government declared that, in an effort to counteract growing inflation and support social welfare, it has launched a bold economic initiative called “Stabbilta”: a voluntary price limiting program. The government has taken a unique cooperative approach by encouraging businesses to voluntarily lower the cost of necessities to 85% of their Recommended Retail Price index in October. This effort, which...

Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

In January 2022, Roberta Metsola became the first Maltese person to occupy a top EU role by becoming the President of the European Parliament. Yesterday, she was elected for a second term with a thumping majority – news which the Maltese heavily welcomed. However, is obtaining this high-profile role beneficial for Malta, or does it lead to a loss of...

The history of women’s right to vote in Malta

The history of women’s right to vote in Malta

The journey of the women’s right to vote start from their contributions in WW1. Maltese women indirectly contributed to winning World War I by taking care of up to 80,000 soldiers and prisoners of war while food was running out and death rates were going up. After World War I, the Sette Giugno riots in 1919 showed how class and...

The effects of pornography

The effects of pornography

Texas passed a law making it mandatory for porn websites to verify the age of consumers. If breached, porn websites could face penalties of up to $250,000. Pornhub later disabled its website for users in Texas.  Although this law can be circumvented by VPN, it is interesting to see what prompted Texas to carry through this law.  Mainstream use The...