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Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

In January 2022, Roberta Metsola became the first Maltese person to occupy a top EU role by becoming the President of the European Parliament. Yesterday, she was elected for a second term with a thumping majority – news which the Maltese heavily welcomed. However, is obtaining this high-profile role beneficial for Malta, or does it lead to a loss of...

Are local councils a failed experiment?

Are local councils a failed experiment?

Three decades since their inception, Malta’s local councils face significant scrutiny regarding their relevance and effectiveness. Originally designed to decentralise administrative power, these councils are now plagued by diminished responsibilities, reduced funding, and lack of personnel. Local councils in Malta were established in 1993, with a vision to bring government closer to the citizens. This decentralisation sought to enhance community...

The Magisterial Inquiry – Presenting the two sides of the story

The Magisterial Inquiry – Presenting the two sides of the story

Why was its fairness questioned? Should courts ever be criticized? Should this issue be the main focus of the MEP election?  Malta’s former prime minister and more individuals will be charged with money laundering, corruption and bribery. The charges relate to a deal to privatise three state hospitals that was negotiated and managed by Muscat’s government. If found guilty, the...

How does President Spiteri Debono fit in Malta’s political Landscape

How does President Spiteri Debono fit in Malta’s political Landscape

Born in Victoria, Gozo, in 1952, President Spiteri Debono is a notary and will become the first female Gozitan appointed President. Her political career includes stints in the Labour Party’s National Executive. Myriam had unsuccessful attempts as a candidate in the general elections. However, in 1996 she was appointed as the first woman speaker of the House. Faced with a...

Role of the Maltese President – what’s the point of it?

Role of the Maltese President – what’s the point of it?

In copy-pasting the the role of the British Monarch, we lost the main point of the role of the Maltese President- a spunt opinion piece This April, a respectable and most likely elderly politician will be selected to become Malta’s next head of state. It’s happened every five years since 1974, when our country became a republic. This person will...

What is the new process of electing Malta’s next President?

What is the new process of electing Malta’s next President?

The selection of Malta’s President has historically been a parliamentary decision, requiring only a simple majority to support the nomination put forward by the Prime Minister. Put simply, the party in government could choose whoever it deemed appropriate with little input required from the opposition.  However, significant changes were introduced in 2020, altering the procedure. According to Article 48 (1)...

Qassisin miżżewġa. L-Arċisqof Scicluna jargumenta favur. Nispjegaw għaliex għandu punt.

Qassisin miżżewġa. L-Arċisqof Scicluna jargumenta favur. Nispjegaw għaliex għandu punt.

F’intervista mat-Times of Malta, l-Arċisqof Scicluna qal, “għaliex għandi nitlef qassis tajjeb li jixtieq ikollu familja?” Fl-2017, il-Papa nnifsu kien diġà ta ħjiel dwar il-possibilità li l-irġiel miżżewġa jitħallew isiru saċerdoti. Imma qassisin miżżewga hi idea tajba? Aqra l-artiklu bl-Ingliż Qassisin miżżewġa – mhux xi ħaġa ġdida Għalkemm bidla drammatika, il-possibiltà ta’ qassisin miżżewġin tkun ritorn għat-tradizzjoni Kristjana tal-bidu: fil-verità,...

Cabinet Reshuffle Strategic Manoeuvre Ahead of MEP Elections

Cabinet Reshuffle Strategic Manoeuvre Ahead of MEP Elections

In a surprising move, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced a significant cabinet reshuffle just before the upcoming EU MEP elections. This decision, which is unconventional in timing, appears to be a calculated response to the areas in which the public showed its discontent. The major changes were seen in the creation of new roles and staff changes over issues such...

Jekk l-UE tillimita l-poter tal-veto, is-saħħa ta' Malta fl-UE tonqos drastikament

Malta’s EU Influence at Stake: MEPs to Vote on EU Veto Power

MEP vote on EU Veto power could significantly reshape Malta’s influence in the European Union’s policymaking. In a democratic Maltese-European country, who should have a greater say in policies affecting the Maltese? The Maltese parliament or the European Union? Most would agree that familiar and reachable Maltese politicians should have a greater role than obscure and distant EU ones. That...

Malta Budget 2024 Analysis – Government addresses inflation concerns but sidelines infrastructural pressures

The Malta Budget 2024 appears to be a constructed response to the prevailing economic climate, balancing caution with social awareness. It demonstrates an awareness of the immediate needs of the population, particularly in terms of living costs and education, while also laying down a foundation for longer-term economic stability and growth. However, the lack of robust measures to address declining...

How to spot a bad survey?

How to spot a bad survey?

At its core, a survey is a method used to collect data from a subset of a population to draw conclusions or make inferences about the entire population. They’re often used in research, market studies, political polling, and many other fields to gauge opinions, behaviors, or characteristics. But how to distinguish between a good or a bad survey? The Pillar...

Spunt Youtube Illustration

The Labour South & Nationalist North explained

Eddie Fenech Adami’s ‘Tal-Barrani’ meeting (1986) is emblematic of Malta’s division along what appears to be a Labour south and a Nationalist north. Understanding how the voters from the North and South became tied to the two parties, and their migration patterns across the island, is key to understanding these local political allegiances.