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It-turiżmu f’Malta daqt jilħaq livelli rekord. Illum nanalizzaw it-tajjeb u l-ħazin tagħha.

It-turiżmu f’Malta daqt jilħaq livelli rekord. Illum nanalizzaw it-tajjeb u l-ħazin tagħha.

Is-settur turistiku ta’ Malta ra żieda sinifikanti fl-aħħar sena, b’ żieda notevoli ta’ 20.2% fuq l-ammont ta’ turisti fix-xahar ta’ Settembru 2023, u dan in-nummru iwassalna biex inbssru li t-total tas-sena se joqrob it-tragward sinifikanti ta’ 3 miljun viżitatur. Bin-numru ta’ lukandi approvati li qed jinbnew bħalissa, dan in-numru mistenni jiżdied għal 4.7 miljun sal-2027....

Malta’s tourism is booming. Is that a good thing?

Malta’s tourism is booming. Is that a good thing?

Malta’s tourism sector has recently witnessed a significant surge, with a remarkable 20.2% year-on-year increase in inbound tourists recorded in the month of September 2023, projecting the year’s total to approach the significant milestone of 3 million visitors. With the number of approved hotels under construction at the moment, this number is expected to increase...

The Air Malta Transition Analysed – The new old airline.

The Air Malta Transition Analysed – The new old airline.

After years of grappling with financial losses, the curtain is drawing to a close for Air Malta, sort of. The transition alludes to the end of Act 1 rather than conclusion of the entire play. The catalyst for this transition was the European Commission’s refusal of the Maltese government’s request to inject funds into the...