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Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

In January 2022, Roberta Metsola became the first Maltese person to occupy a top EU role by becoming the President of the European Parliament. Yesterday, she was elected for a second term with a thumping majority – news which the Maltese heavily welcomed. However, is obtaining this high-profile role beneficial for Malta, or does it...

Għaliex qed jipprotestaw il-bdiewa Ewropej?

Għaliex qed jipprotestaw il-bdiewa Ewropej?

Madwar l-Ewropa, il-bdiewa qed jipprotestaw kontra diversi deċiżjonijiet mehudin fuq livell Ewropew, li skonthom qed jheddu l-għajxien tagħhom u l-vijabbiltà tal-agrikoltura.  Fl-Olanda, l-enfasi kienet fuq miżuri ta’ tnaqqis tal emissjonijiet ta’ Nitroġenu, liem miżuri jinkludu tnaqqis tal-popolazzjonijiet tal-bhejjem. Il-bdiewa Ġermaniżi qed jilmentaw kontra pjanijiet biex jitnaqqsu s-sussidji tad-diżil, għax iħossu li din qed tkompli żżid...

What is the farmers protest about?

What is the farmers protest about?

Malta like the rest of Europe, has experienced another farmers protest against a range of European Union policies, which they claim pose a threat to their livelihoods and the sustainability of agriculture. In the Netherlands, the focus has been on opposing nitrogen emission reduction measures, including mandates to reduce livestock populations. German farmers are rallying...

Jekk l-UE tillimita l-poter tal-veto, is-saħħa ta' Malta fl-UE tonqos drastikament

Malta’s EU Influence at Stake: MEPs to Vote on EU Veto Power

MEP vote on EU Veto power could significantly reshape Malta’s influence in the European Union’s policymaking. In a democratic Maltese-European country, who should have a greater say in policies affecting the Maltese? The Maltese parliament or the European Union? Most would agree that familiar and reachable Maltese politicians should have a greater role than obscure...

Should Malta join NATO?

Should Malta join NATO?

Even though Malta is not a full member of NATO, it has nonetheless been a member of NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme since 1995, 9 years before Malta’s accession to the EU. Malta is also a member of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), which is a diplomatic forum focusing on the Euro-Atlantic area. Malta is also a member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, which addresses a range of security concerns such as arms control, confidence and security-building measures.