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It-turiżmu f’Malta daqt jilħaq livelli rekord. Illum nanalizzaw it-tajjeb u l-ħazin tagħha.

It-turiżmu f’Malta daqt jilħaq livelli rekord. Illum nanalizzaw it-tajjeb u l-ħazin tagħha.

Is-settur turistiku ta’ Malta ra żieda sinifikanti fl-aħħar sena, b’ żieda notevoli ta’ 20.2% fuq l-ammont ta’ turisti fix-xahar ta’ Settembru 2023, u dan in-nummru iwassalna biex inbssru li t-total tas-sena se joqrob it-tragward sinifikanti ta’ 3 miljun viżitatur. Bin-numru ta’ lukandi approvati li qed jinbnew bħalissa, dan in-numru mistenni jiżdied għal 4.7 miljun sal-2027....

Malta’s tourism is booming. Is that a good thing?

Malta’s tourism is booming. Is that a good thing?

Malta’s tourism sector has recently witnessed a significant surge, with a remarkable 20.2% year-on-year increase in inbound tourists recorded in the month of September 2023, projecting the year’s total to approach the significant milestone of 3 million visitors. With the number of approved hotels under construction at the moment, this number is expected to increase...

The Air Malta Transition Analysed – The new old airline.

The Air Malta Transition Analysed – The new old airline.

After years of grappling with financial losses, the curtain is drawing to a close for Air Malta, sort of. The transition alludes to the end of Act 1 rather than conclusion of the entire play. The catalyst for this transition was the European Commission’s refusal of the Maltese government’s request to inject funds into the...

Mintoff and the chocolate factory

Mintoff and the chocolate factory

Understanding the impact of protectionism on a nation’s economic landscape is key to global economics. This was palpably evident in 1970s Malta under the leadership of Dom Mintoff. As a strategic embodiment of protectionism, the Maltese government introduced dramatic measures to bolster local industries, reducing foreign goods dependency. Among these measures, the most contentious was...

Clyde Caruana

Clyde Marx? Was the budget as socialist as he described?

The 2023 budget strengthens the welfare state with 60% of the measures listed in the speech could be considered “socialist”. However, this form of social protection will have challenges in the future such as ageing population which will require a rethink of the system. In the post-Muscat era, the Labour Party is actively trying to...

Clyde Caruana Budget

A reasonable budget amidst a global energy crisis

Amid the economic turmoil and geopolitical tensions across Europe, Finance Minister Caruana unveiled the government’s budget for 2023. Broadly speaking, the budget is similar to recent ones presented by the Labour government. A common narrative of new taxes and an increase in a number of benefits to curb the effects of looming crises, as well...


Is there a gender pay gap in Malta?

In short: yes. The latest Eurostat data shows that on average, for every €100 a Maltese man earns, a woman earns €90. The gap is even wider in a lot of European countries, as the EU average means that the average European woman earns €87. This is an undeniable fact. The less straightforward question, however,...


Are young Maltese worse off than their parents?

People tend to accumulate wealth as they grow older. But is the wealth gap between today's youth and their parents widening? Recent data suggests that despite the higher wages, higher property prices and a more lavish lifestyle are among the factors which may explain a rising intergenerational inequality gap.

Inflation Illustration

What can be done to fight inflation?

After more than 30 years, high inflation is making the news again. We are cooking a video specifically on inflation, but in the meantime, today’s TL;DR explains what central banks and governments can do to counter inflation. You might already know this but, to buy stuff, you need money. The more money you have, the...

What went wrong with the global supply chain?

What went wrong with the global supply chain?

Increasing prices. Long shipping delays. Out-of-stock products. A nightmare of supply chain issues. You may or may not be aware, but there’s an ongoing global logistical nightmare – the effects of which have been felt even in tiny Malta. Since 2018, political bickering between the US and China has resulted in massive volatility in supply...