Has Agius Saliba hindered Labour’s traditional approach to EU affairs?

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Has Agius Saliba hindered Labour’s traditional approach to EU affairs?

In staying true to his word and choosing to abstain, Labour MEP Alex Agius Saliba may have created a counterargument for the PN, who is often criticized by the PL for similar moves.

PL’s Narrative

The Labour Party has long emphasized its commitment to supporting Maltese candidates for EU positions, regardless of their political affiliation. This approach has been central to their argument that they place Malta’s interests above party politics. Historically, PL MEPs have voted for PN candidates for EU roles, contrasting their actions with what they perceive as the PN’s partisan voting behaviour, notably when PN MEPs voted against PL nominees for significant EU positions.

First and foremost, by emphasizing a non-partisan approach to EU appointments, the Labour Party positions itself as prioritizing Malta’s national interest above party politics. This strategy promotes a sense of national unity and appeals to voters who value the representation of Malta’s interests on the European stage whilst also allowing the Labour Party the ability to gain the moral high ground and the ability to criticize the PN for not reciprocating.

Supporting candidates from opposing parties also helps cultivate a positive public image for the Labour Party as fair and inclusive. This approach can attract moderate voters who might be disillusioned with the relentless partisanship that characterizes much of political discourse and presents itself as a mature and responsible political force.

PN’s Votes in the Past

Historically, the PN has voted against Labour Party nominees like Brincat and Abela for EU roles, while showing uncertainty in cases like Dalli’s nomination. They justified these actions by citing concerns over governance and corruption within the Labour administration. However, Casa and Metsola as MEPs have also voted against European Parliament motions addressing rule of law breaches in Bulgaria while supporting similar motions against Malta, leading the PL to accuse the PN of prioritizing party politics over national interest.

Agius Saliba’s Reasons for Abstaining

However, this traditional party line was broken as Alex Agius Saliba and Daniel Attard chose not to support Metsola by abstaining from voting. In a press conference, Agius Saliba articulated his reasons, citing principled stances on various issues. He criticized Metsola’s support for the EU’s position on Gaza, which he believes neglects the humanitarian situation in the region. He pointed out perceived discrepancies in Metsola’s statements in the EU versus her comments in Malta, particularly on the issue of abortion. Agius Saliba expressed frustration over what he perceives as Metsola’s failure to advocate for the Maltese language within EU institutions. Additionally, he argued that Metsola ignored Malta’s neutrality stance in her approach to European defence policies.

A Counter Argument for the PN

However, Agius Saliba’s and Attard’s recent abstention from voting for Roberta Metsola as President of the European Parliament may have inadvertently armed the PN with a counterargument against the PL’s frequent criticism as it breaks from the PL’s established narrative of unwavering support for Maltese candidates. The PN can now argue that the PL’s principled stance is inconsistent, using the abstention as evidence that the PL is also capable of putting party or personal principles before the country’s interests. This shift not only weakens the PL’s argument but also provides the PN with a defence mechanism to counter past and future criticisms regarding their voting behaviour on Maltese candidates for EU roles.

Why Would Agius Saliba Take This Stand from a Political Point of View?

Agius Saliba may be positioning himself as a principled politician who prioritizes his values over party directives. By abstaining, he shows his commitment to the stances he took during the campaign despite, possibly, not being popular with the electorate. It may also serve as a stand to enhance his reputation with the core of the Labour voters he sought the support of during the last MEP election. Whether or not this approach is politically beneficial for him remains to be seen.

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