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Malta’s Power Cuts Explained: A Glimpse into Europe’s Energy Challenge

Malta’s Power Cuts Explained: A Glimpse into Europe’s Energy Challenge

Amid “Malta’s Power Cuts”, the broader European region is also dealing with an electricity crunch. Malta, much like its continental neighbors, faces significant power shortages, particularly during the intense summer heat. As residents flock to the solace of air-conditioned havens, the electric grids are under immense strain, affecting both electricity generation and its distribution. Deciphering...

Citizenship by Merit Debate in Malta: Sports Integrity and Cultural Tie

Citizenship by Merit Debate in Malta: Sports Integrity and Cultural Tie

In the heart of the Mediterranean, Malta finds itself at the epicenter of a debate: Can “citizenship by merit” for athletes coexist with the integrity of sports competitions? The very essence of representing a nation on a global stage hinges on an authentic bond to that land Genuine Connection vs. Competitive Edge When passports are...


Tackling the Comino Problem

One of our natural treasures, Comino, has been surrounded not just by sea, but also by controversy. Spunt delves into the main problem and uses examples from one of our neighbours to see how we can preserve the natural beauty of the lagoon. Picture this: You’re a tourist on your way to Comino, where you’ve...

Why the French election matters

Why the French election matters

Last weekend, France held the first out of two election rounds. Placing themselves in the top two spots, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen passed through for the second round, where they will now go head to head. Macron’s vision The winner of the first round was Emmanuel Macron, a pro-European centrist who became the...

What went wrong with the global supply chain?

What went wrong with the global supply chain?

Increasing prices. Long shipping delays. Out-of-stock products. A nightmare of supply chain issues. You may or may not be aware, but there’s an ongoing global logistical nightmare – the effects of which have been felt even in tiny Malta. Since 2018, political bickering between the US and China has resulted in massive volatility in supply...

What can we expect from minister Caruana’s first budget?

What can we expect from minister Caruana’s first budget?

As the smoke of the pandemic slowly clears and hospitalisation rates fall, Malta still faces a number of challenges, as minister Clyde Caruana looks to present his first budget as the country’s top dog in financial and economic matters. The pre-budget document suggests that ​​the government will focus on living standards and economic growth whilst addressing environmental issues.


The mass transit project: What we know so far

Prime Minister Robert Abela, promised that discussions about the possible introduction of an underground mass transportation system would start being discussed in the coming days. Discussing mass transit solutions in Malta is not a novel concept. Traffic problems have plagued Malta in recent history. This is a country with 4 cars for every 5 inhabitants,...