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How Gorbachev & Bush ended the cold war in the Malta Summit.

This article is part of an ongoing collaborative series by and Lovin Malta. The 1945 Yalta conference marked the beginning of the Cold War, a 40+ year period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, and their respective allies. Winds of change were sweeping through Soviet states by 1989, culminating...


Operation Husky

Operation Husky | How The Liberation Of Europe Was Launched From Malta It’s June 1942, and Axis forces are celebrating the takeover of Libya. Malta now remains alone, one of the last strongholds of freedom in Europe, surrounded by Axis forces on all sides. But with the arrival of the Santa Marija convoy, Malta took...

It-tliet darbiet li Malta kisbet l-indipendenza

It-tliet darbiet li Malta kisbet l-indipendenza

Meta fassal il-mafkar tal-Indipendenza ta’ Malta, l-iskultur Ġanni Bonnici tana mara fil-figura ta’ ommna Malta, iżżomm il-bandiera Maltija, tperper ħielsa, waqt li Malta qed tinħeles mill-irbit tal-ħakkiema mgħoddija. Is-simboliżmi jkomplu wkoll meta wieħed josserva l-lok magħżul (forsi b’kumbinazzjoni) għal dan il-mafkar – bi dritt Triq ir-Repubblika fil-Belt Valletta, bħal donnu juri t-triq għall-ġejjieni, u bil-ġnien...

Understanding the origins of the current Maltese Population

Europeans or North Africans? Where do the Maltese come from?

Malta has always been a crossroads of nations. Our DNA reveals strong links to Sicilian people, but not only. Caruana finds evidence of small traces of Greek genetic mutations. We are surrounded by signs of the origins of the current Maltese population. Our language, our history and culture are all a reflection of who our...

The Cross Question: Should Malta change its flag?

The Cross Question: Should Malta change its flag?

Malta is a unique place. Its rich, colourful history has left its mark on the island and on the Maltese people, who are proud of the little country and its many achievements. It is unique too in its national symbols – the Maltese flag being the only one in the world to have a medal...