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Food couriers and ride-hailing platforms seem to forget are still free to employ locals and EU citizens.

Food couriers and ride-hailing platforms seem to forget are still free to employ locals and EU citizens.

The ride-hailing and food delivery sectors are undergoing significant upheaval following the government’s recent decision to refuse new work permits and renewals for third-country nationals (TCNs). This policy aims to address perceived labour market saturation in the sector.  The Maltese government has justified the refusal of work permits by citing a saturation in the market...

Homeownership rises but more youths turn to family for help

Homeownership rises but more youths turn to family for help

In recent years, Malta has witnessed a significant shift in how families approach homeownership and the property market, driven largely by rising property prices and changing economic conditions. One of the most notable trends is the growing practice of gifting property to children, a strategy that underscores the strong role of the family in Maltese...

What if We Try Not Prioritising Cars for a Change? The Mosta Pedestrianisation Dilemma

What if We Try Not Prioritising Cars for a Change? The Mosta Pedestrianisation Dilemma

Mosta’s main square is once again sparking significant controversy. However, this time, it’s the pedestrianisation aspect of the project that is under the spotlight. Only a few weeks after the project’s inauguration, the newly elected mayor wants to reverse the pedestrianisation of the square. Rightfully so, one may think that the square has been pedestrianised...

Has Agius Saliba hindered Labour’s traditional approach to EU affairs?

Has Agius Saliba hindered Labour’s traditional approach to EU affairs?

In staying true to his word and choosing to abstain, Labour MEP Alex Agius Saliba may have created a counterargument for the PN, who is often criticized by the PL for similar moves. PL’s Narrative The Labour Party has long emphasized its commitment to supporting Maltese candidates for EU positions, regardless of their political affiliation....

Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

Does Malta benefit in having an EU Parliament President?

In January 2022, Roberta Metsola became the first Maltese person to occupy a top EU role by becoming the President of the European Parliament. Yesterday, she was elected for a second term with a thumping majority – news which the Maltese heavily welcomed. However, is obtaining this high-profile role beneficial for Malta, or does it...

Are local councils a failed experiment?

Are local councils a failed experiment?

Three decades since their inception, Malta’s local councils face significant scrutiny regarding their relevance and effectiveness. Originally designed to decentralise administrative power, these councils are now plagued by diminished responsibilities, reduced funding, and lack of personnel. Local councils in Malta were established in 1993, with a vision to bring government closer to the citizens. This...

The Magisterial Inquiry – Presenting the two sides of the story

The Magisterial Inquiry – Presenting the two sides of the story

Why was its fairness questioned? Should courts ever be criticized? Should this issue be the main focus of the MEP election?  Malta’s former prime minister and more individuals will be charged with money laundering, corruption and bribery. The charges relate to a deal to privatise three state hospitals that was negotiated and managed by Muscat’s...

The effects of pornography

The effects of pornography

Texas passed a law making it mandatory for porn websites to verify the age of consumers. If breached, porn websites could face penalties of up to $250,000. Pornhub later disabled its website for users in Texas.  Although this law can be circumvented by VPN, it is interesting to see what prompted Texas to carry through...

How does President Spiteri Debono fit in Malta’s political Landscape

How does President Spiteri Debono fit in Malta’s political Landscape

Born in Victoria, Gozo, in 1952, President Spiteri Debono is a notary and will become the first female Gozitan appointed President. Her political career includes stints in the Labour Party’s National Executive. Myriam had unsuccessful attempts as a candidate in the general elections. However, in 1996 she was appointed as the first woman speaker of...

Role of the Maltese President – what’s the point of it?

Role of the Maltese President – what’s the point of it?

In copy-pasting the the role of the British Monarch, we lost the main point of the role of the Maltese President- a spunt opinion piece This April, a respectable and most likely elderly politician will be selected to become Malta’s next head of state. It’s happened every five years since 1974, when our country became...