Author: Spunt (Spunt )

How does President Spiteri Debono fit in Malta’s political Landscape

How does President Spiteri Debono fit in Malta’s political Landscape

Born in Victoria, Gozo, in 1952, President Spiteri Debono is a notary and will become the first female Gozitan appointed President. Her political career includes stints in the Labour Party’s National Executive. Myriam had unsuccessful attempts as a candidate in the general elections. However, in 1996 she was appointed as the first woman speaker of...

The history of women’s right to vote in Malta

The history of women’s right to vote in Malta

The journey of the women’s right to vote start from their contributions in WW1. Maltese women indirectly contributed to winning World War I by taking care of up to 80,000 soldiers and prisoners of war while food was running out and death rates were going up. After World War I, the Sette Giugno riots in...

Sofia inquiry - What does it say?

The Sofia Inquiry summarized and explained.

In a thorough examination, the Sofia inquiry has shed light on the lapses in due diligence and oversight by several government entities, without implicating these entities in corruption or bribery. The detailed examination of the failures identified by the public inquiry reveals a multifaceted breakdown in regulatory compliance, oversight, and enforcement mechanisms across several entities...

Għaliex qed jipprotestaw il-bdiewa Ewropej?

Għaliex qed jipprotestaw il-bdiewa Ewropej?

Madwar l-Ewropa, il-bdiewa qed jipprotestaw kontra diversi deċiżjonijiet mehudin fuq livell Ewropew, li skonthom qed jheddu l-għajxien tagħhom u l-vijabbiltà tal-agrikoltura.  Fl-Olanda, l-enfasi kienet fuq miżuri ta’ tnaqqis tal emissjonijiet ta’ Nitroġenu, liem miżuri jinkludu tnaqqis tal-popolazzjonijiet tal-bhejjem. Il-bdiewa Ġermaniżi qed jilmentaw kontra pjanijiet biex jitnaqqsu s-sussidji tad-diżil, għax iħossu li din qed tkompli żżid...

What is the farmers protest about?

What is the farmers protest about?

Malta like the rest of Europe, has experienced another farmers protest against a range of European Union policies, which they claim pose a threat to their livelihoods and the sustainability of agriculture. In the Netherlands, the focus has been on opposing nitrogen emission reduction measures, including mandates to reduce livestock populations. German farmers are rallying...

Stabbilta – The inflation control scheme analysed

Stabbilta – The inflation control scheme analysed

The government declared that, in an effort to counteract growing inflation and support social welfare, it has launched a bold economic initiative called “Stabbilta”: a voluntary price limiting program. The government has taken a unique cooperative approach by encouraging businesses to voluntarily lower the cost of necessities to 85% of their Recommended Retail Price index...

What is the new process of electing Malta’s next President?

What is the new process of electing Malta’s next President?

The selection of Malta’s President has historically been a parliamentary decision, requiring only a simple majority to support the nomination put forward by the Prime Minister. Put simply, the party in government could choose whoever it deemed appropriate with little input required from the opposition.  However, significant changes were introduced in 2020, altering the procedure....

Cabinet Reshuffle Strategic Manoeuvre Ahead of MEP Elections

Cabinet Reshuffle Strategic Manoeuvre Ahead of MEP Elections

In a surprising move, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced a significant cabinet reshuffle just before the upcoming EU MEP elections. This decision, which is unconventional in timing, appears to be a calculated response to the areas in which the public showed its discontent. The major changes were seen in the creation of new roles and...

X’ tgħid il-liġi Maltija rigward bouncers f’Malta

X’ tgħid il-liġi Maltija rigward bouncers f’Malta

Mhux l-ewwel darba li r-rwol tal-bouncers f’Malta, partikolarment f’ċentri ta’ divertiment bħal Paceville, kien suġġett ta’ dibattitu pubbliku. Tajjeb nibdew billi nsemmu li hemm abbozz ta’ liġi leġislattiv propost li ilu jiġi pospost għal snin sħaħ. Madankollu, huwa kruċjali li nifhmu s-setgħat legali mogħtija lill-bouncers taħt il-liġi Maltija kif inhi bħalissa. Aqra bl-Ingliż Il-bouncers f’Malta...

The legal powers of bouncers in Malta

The legal powers of bouncers in Malta

It’s not the first time that the role of bouncers in Malta, particularly in nightlife hubs like Paceville, has been a subject of public debate. Despite a legislative bill being proposed and postponed for years, it’s crucial to understand the legal powers granted to bouncers under Maltese law as it currently stands. Read the article...