Author: Spunt (Spunt )

X’ tgħid il-liġi Maltija rigward bouncers f’Malta

X’ tgħid il-liġi Maltija rigward bouncers f’Malta

Mhux l-ewwel darba li r-rwol tal-bouncers f’Malta, partikolarment f’ċentri ta’ divertiment bħal Paceville, kien suġġett ta’ dibattitu pubbliku. Tajjeb nibdew billi nsemmu li hemm abbozz ta’ liġi leġislattiv propost li ilu jiġi pospost għal snin sħaħ. Madankollu, huwa kruċjali li nifhmu s-setgħat legali mogħtija lill-bouncers taħt il-liġi Maltija kif inhi bħalissa. Aqra bl-Ingliż Il-bouncers f’Malta...

The legal powers of bouncers in Malta

The legal powers of bouncers in Malta

It’s not the first time that the role of bouncers in Malta, particularly in nightlife hubs like Paceville, has been a subject of public debate. Despite a legislative bill being proposed and postponed for years, it’s crucial to understand the legal powers granted to bouncers under Maltese law as it currently stands. Read the article...

Jekk l-UE tillimita l-poter tal-veto, is-saħħa ta' Malta fl-UE tonqos drastikament

Malta’s EU Influence at Stake: MEPs to Vote on EU Veto Power

MEP vote on EU Veto power could significantly reshape Malta’s influence in the European Union’s policymaking. In a democratic Maltese-European country, who should have a greater say in policies affecting the Maltese? The Maltese parliament or the European Union? Most would agree that familiar and reachable Maltese politicians should have a greater role than obscure...

Kif is-siġar tal-Mosta jgħallmuna l-importanza tal-komunikazzjoni fil-politika

Kif is-siġar tal-Mosta jgħallmuna l-importanza tal-komunikazzjoni fil-politika

Aqra l-kontenut bl-Ingliz 12-il siġra tal-fikus li jinsabu biswit ir-Rotunda tal-Mosta tqaċċtu mill-fergħat tagħhom. Il-Kunsill lokali tal-Mosta kien qabel unanimament li jaqla’ s-siġar u jirrilokahom fl-inħawi ta’ Santa Margherita. Dan kollu biex imbgħad fl-aħħar, id-deċiżjoni inqalbet wara l-kontroversja pubblika li qamet. Dawn is-siġar tal-ficus kienu ilhom isebbħu l-pjazza tal-Mosta għal aktar minn 50 sena. Madankollu,...

L-istorja tas-siġar tal-Mosta tgħallimna l-importanza tal-komunikazzjoni fit-twettieq tal-politika 

L-istorja tas-siġar tal-Mosta tgħallimna l-importanza tal-komunikazzjoni fit-twettieq tal-politika 

Aqra l-kontenut bl-Ingliz 12-il siġra tal-fikus li jinsabu biswit ir-Rotunda tal-Mosta tqaċċtu mill-fergħat tagħhom. Il-Kunsill lokali tal-Mosta kien qabel unanimament li jaqla’ s-siġar u jirrilokahom fl-inħawi ta’ Santa Margherita. Dan kollu biex imbgħad fl-aħħar, id-deċiżjoni inqalbet wara l-kontroversja pubblika li qamet. Dawn is-siġar tal-ficus kienu ilhom isebbħu l-pjazza tal-Mosta għal aktar minn 50 sena. Madankollu,...

A lesson in how not to make or communicate policy

A lesson in how not to make or communicate policy

Examining the lessons learned from Mosta’s ficus relocation fiasco and the critical need for inclusive policy-making 12 ficus trees located next to the Mosta Rotunda have been stripped of their canopies. The Mosta local council had unanimously agreed to uproot and relocate the trees and relocate them to the Santa Margherita area. Only for the...

It-turiżmu f’Malta daqt jilħaq livelli rekord. Illum nanalizzaw it-tajjeb u l-ħazin tagħha.

It-turiżmu f’Malta daqt jilħaq livelli rekord. Illum nanalizzaw it-tajjeb u l-ħazin tagħha.

Is-settur turistiku ta’ Malta ra żieda sinifikanti fl-aħħar sena, b’ żieda notevoli ta’ 20.2% fuq l-ammont ta’ turisti fix-xahar ta’ Settembru 2023, u dan in-nummru iwassalna biex inbssru li t-total tas-sena se joqrob it-tragward sinifikanti ta’ 3 miljun viżitatur. Bin-numru ta’ lukandi approvati li qed jinbnew bħalissa, dan in-numru mistenni jiżdied għal 4.7 miljun sal-2027....

Malta’s tourism is booming. Is that a good thing?

Malta’s tourism is booming. Is that a good thing?

Malta’s tourism sector has recently witnessed a significant surge, with a remarkable 20.2% year-on-year increase in inbound tourists recorded in the month of September 2023, projecting the year’s total to approach the significant milestone of 3 million visitors. With the number of approved hotels under construction at the moment, this number is expected to increase...


Malta Budget 2024 Analysis – Government addresses inflation concerns but sidelines infrastructural pressures

The Malta Budget 2024 appears to be a constructed response to the prevailing economic climate, balancing caution with social awareness. It demonstrates an awareness of the immediate needs of the population, particularly in terms of living costs and education, while also laying down a foundation for longer-term economic stability and growth. However, the lack of...

Why the Knights of St. John came to Malta?

Why the Knights of St. John came to Malta?

The Knights Hospitaller’s departure from the island of Rhodes stands as a significant moment in geopolitical and religious history. Rhodes, a jewel controlled by the Knights since 1309, held a position of profound strategic significance. Located southeast of Greece, it was a maritime crossroads, a potential springboard for Christian naval operations Ottoman might. The Knights of St....