Malta is a small island with very limited resources. Its main resource is manpower. With all the talk of a new economic model, few seem to mention that a serious problem is a severe shortage of skilled Maltese workers, and here is where the education system comes in. For years now, the Malta’s education system...
Author: Spunt (Spunt )
Analiżi tat-tibdiliet fl-Air Malta
Wara snin ta’ telf finanzjarju, l-Air Malta ser tagħlaq kaptilu twil fl-istorja tagħha. Madanakollu, dan nistgħu nqisuh bħala t-tmiem tal-ewwel att, aktar milli l-konklużjoni tad-dramm kollu. Dak li wassal għal din it-tranżizzjoni kien ir-rifjut tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea tat-talba tal-gvern Malti li jkompli jiffinanzja l-linja tal-ajru, minħabba r-regolamenti tal-UE dwar l-għajnuna mill-Istat, li jillimitaw l-għajnuna eċċessiva mill-gvern...
The Air Malta Transition Analysed – The new old airline.
After years of grappling with financial losses, the curtain is drawing to a close for Air Malta, sort of. The transition alludes to the end of Act 1 rather than conclusion of the entire play. The catalyst for this transition was the European Commission’s refusal of the Maltese government’s request to inject funds into the...
Ir-Rumani f’Malta | Minn Melite għal Malta
Il-konnessjoni ta’ Malta mal-Imperu Ruman hija storja twila ta’ seba’ sekli, li ħalliet marka fuq il-kultura, il-lingwa, u l-identità tal-gżira. Ir-Rumani f’Malta waslu fuq ix-xtutna bejn wieħed u ieħor fis-sena 218 QK, ħadu l-kontroll mill-Kartaġiniżi u bdew l-itwal ħakma imperjali fl-istorja ta’ Malta. Dan l-artiklu jesplora r-rabtiet dejjiema bejn Malta u l-Imperu Ruman, u jeżamina...
Il-kriminalità f’Malta naqset. Imma hemm diskrepanza bejn il-Maltin u l-barranin?
Matul l-aħħar għaxar snin, Malta rat bidliet kbar fil-popolazzjoni, kemm fl-ammont, kif ukoll fl-għamla tagħha. Mill-2015 sal-2022, il-popolazzjoni totali kibret minn 450,415 għal 522,530, żieda ta’ 16%. Dawn il-bidliet demografiċi jqajmu mistoqsijiet pertinenti. Hekk kif il-popolazzjoni qed tikber, dan l-influss kellu impatt fuq s-sigurtà u kriminalità f’Malta? Read the article in English Minkejja dan it-tkabbir...
Has crime in Malta been affected by the population increase?
Over the past decade, Malta has witnessed significant demographic shifts. From 2015 to 2022, the total population grew from 450,415 to 522,530, marking a 16% increase. These demographic changes raise pertinent questions. As the population swells and diversifies, there are natural concerns about how this influx has impacted the crime in Malta. Full article in...
How to spot a bad survey?
At its core, a survey is a method used to collect data from a subset of a population to draw conclusions or make inferences about the entire population. They’re often used in research, market studies, political polling, and many other fields to gauge opinions, behaviors, or characteristics. But how to distinguish between a good or...
How old is independent Malta?
Yesterday we celebrated Malta’s 59th birthday as an independent nation. Or is our nation older than that? There is a case that could be made that independent Malta is actually 223 years old. Today we explore a remarkable chapter in our history. A story of a tiny island that dared to defy a mighty empire....
Malta hosts USA-China diplomats for talks ahead of possible Biden-Xi summit
This weekend, Malta once again stood at the crossroads of diplomacy, playing host to critical talks between Jake Sullivan, the United States national security advisor to President Joe Biden, and Wang Yi, the People’s Republic of China Foreign Minister. As described by the White House, these dialogues were a concerted effort to “ease tensions between...
The roles of women and children during the Great Siege of 1565
Diving deep into Malta’s rich tapestry of history, one cannot help but be enthralled by tales of valiant knights and iconic figures such as Toni Bajada, renowned for his masterful espionage during the Great Siege of 1565. These tales, as gripping as they are, sometimes eclipse the narratives of numerous unsung heroes, particularly the roles...